Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Hair it

God has blessed my hair with an overwhelming sense of growth. They see potential in every inch of skin with certain pores to pout into. Not only that, it’s not only growth, its reproduction too. Everyday (or the days when I manage my hair), half of the growth sheds off like leaves from a tree in autumn (severe?).
I wonder where these traits came from. Is it because my father and his, his father and my great-great grandfather and his, have all had abundance in this segment of the body?
Have the genes of the male line of our family been altered to facilitate such hair growth and make us all hounded bears?
And the worst part is, I cannot cut my hair. Why so?
My mother says, “You have been born into a Sikh family. You must respect tradition.”
“Then why, may I ask, have you cut your hair?”
“I spent my days in my parent’s house in the fashion they wanted me to be in. I have outgrown that phase and now have the right to live this way.”
After many heated discussions, she agrees upon a work – to - win condition.
“Clear the IIT – JEE exam and get your hair cut. Anything before that-turn around, bend, I’ll kick your behind and get out of my house”
And here, all matters end.
Is keeping hair, such a bad idea? After all, we are a secular country. Why should one not be what he is?
Not that I have faced any discrimination or anything (except for 2-3 cases. One at the swimming pool, another at Mc Donald’s and even sometimes while just walking on the road)
But I have seen people so orthodox about this whole matter, that I am repelled by the whole package.
To those who are orthodox, I would deliberately go up to, in an ‘unacceptable manner’, and fight for what I believe,
There is an old Sardar uncle on the very next road, who stares up at me like anything when I go in from of him, with my hair untied. And this I do, most willingly, deliberately and HAPPILY.
Many know already, that I love to roam around the entire city, with my hair untied, enjoying people looking at me once, then turning their necks again, noticing my beard (again, a neck-turn), and noticing me in the whole.

Where does it begin from, and where does it end?

Those who read and don’t post a comment S**K.


Blogger mridu said...

heyyo ayush... you write pretty well... btw as for your hair removal mania.... ummm... all i can say is... get thru IIT JEE !!!
N yehh ... dat wud be gr8 for us too coz we'd be saved the embarrassment of walking with a neo-sadhu in pants n shirt who can probably not go beyond preaching Harry Pottter or dan brown...
nyways... best of luck with your SAT... wid a literary prowess as this... i guess you'll make it big! N that of course implies a party for us which is certainly as big!

6:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow yaar, jyot! you pretty much write like a stephanian (dats rite,da famed 'st stephens' of delhi university) now ...
i m seriously awed if not intimidated by your writings!!!

good stuff dude! well keep dis shit(in a positive way) up & a thumbs up frm my side...

7:05 AM  

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